Archive | September, 2011

Fashion Wheel 2011

18 Sep

Do you remember this thing…..

I loved this thing when I was growing up. You got a little piece of crayon that you took a rubbing of the ‘Fashion’ you had designed on the wheel. Obviously you could only make a certain number of designs and I always used the same head with every damn thing I designed.

Well there is a wonderful site called Polyvore that is like Fashion Wheel for adults. The basic concept is to create a set with all the amazing bits and pieces you find when you are browsing online to create a whole look like the one below.

I have myself created a few sets, although I must say I use it to check out ways I can wear abandoned clothes at the back of my wardrobe or to see how I can wear new purchases in ways I may not have thought of.

I suggest checking it out if you are having a wardrobe dilemma or if you want to release your inner Anna Wintour.

Get designing darlings ……………Mwah!!!