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Feeling Hot Hot Hot…

19 Aug

Goodness gracious it has been a scorcher this weekend…

I have spent most of the time just trying to regulate my temperature and making sure my incredibly milky skin is slathered in SPF15.

Me and Mr B did venture into town on Saturday to watch some of the Worthing Birdman that was taking place. It was packed on the seafront and We ended up in a pretty bad spot and late and so we only managed to see the last person jumping…..well they did quite well and were apparently the furthest that day (I guess we were good luck)


We then went to see the new Pixar film Brave which was lovely the story was pretty amazing and it is a nice change in the usual Disney/Pixar storyline and focuses quite heavily on female characters and mother, daughter relationships. It was a lovely change and the animation and music was especially beautiful.


The other great thing about going to the cinema was also the air con as it was still incredibly warm. The only thing for it was to get home have dinner and then eat some ice cream to cool off and get my favourite picture of me from the weekend:


We then had a horrible nights sleep trying to stay cool, keeping out the covers and trying to keep the windows open enough to let air in but not let the cats out.

Sunday was again a scorcher but the day started amazingly with gorgeous Cat cuddles from my cat Bowski


We then had some yummy lunch and watched the Muppet Movie all in all a perfect weekend.

I really must get back to doing some crafting soon, I am looking to try some ceramic painting so if anyone has given this a go I would love any hints and tips.